Elevating Online Teaching


As experts in online teaching, Music Therapy Consulting delivers actionable, evidence-based content tailored for faculty, higher education institutes, and students.

Online Learning

Faculty interested in teaching online and hybrid courses


Re-tool Your Courses. Say Hello to a A NEW TEACHING STYLE. 

Prepare online and hyrbid courses engaging your students in interactive learning experiences. Keep your university program state-of-the-art by creating an online community of learners. Become confident with variouse teaching modalities. 

Design competence-based online courses

Apply online teaching strategies for today's learners

Cultivate student engagement and peer collaboration

Use technology and interactive media for instruction, communication, and assignments

Get resources and learn from proofen examples

The consultation session I had with Dr. Kern was a great kick-start for me to teach my music therapy course online. Her guidance was clear, precise, and realistic.

Özgür Salur, MA-MT

Müzik Terapi Akademisi, Turkey

Master Classes/Seminars

Meet you in the virtual classroom – Learn and connect from anywhere

Invite an award-winning content expert to your virtual classroom. Expand your students’ knowledge and perspective. Take them on a journey to explore their competencies, interests, and aspirations.  

Former President of the World Federation of Music Therapy, Dr. Petra Kern is known across the world for her fresh and innovative teaching style. Now, she is bringing her passion to your virtual classroom. Your students will gain fundamental skill, showcase their own practical application, and add depth to their work.

Class Categories

Early Childhood; Autism Spectrum Disorder, Inclusion, Approaches, Intergenerational Programming, Digital Services, Basic Research Designs; Business Pitches, International Aspects

Class Length & Size

Master classes range from 50-100 minutes, seminars are typically 150 minutes. Any Master Class size welcome, including 3 volunteering students for demonstration; 8 students maximum for seminars. 

Pricing & Payment

Master Class (50 minutes): $169

Seminar (150 minutes): $399

Make individual payment arrangements with Music Therapy Consulting.

How it Works

  • Choose a Master Class matching your course content
  • Schedule a day and time at least 4 weeks in advance
  • Have students prepare pre-send content and download the digital workbook
  • Select 3 volunteering students before a Master Class and provide their names 
  • Idenify your students’ skills level and anticpated achivements for seminars
  • Give Dr. Kern access to your video conferencing platform and digital  tools (e.g., polling; breakout rooms), or simply join her on Zoom 

    All Master Classes are available as Seminars and tailored to your students’ projects.

Trusted by Top Universities Worldwide

Early Childhood Music Therapy 101

Guiding you into music play, this Master Class teaches basics of working with young children and their families. Learn about fundamentals of child development, session format & techniques, and new online/outdoor services. Expand your understanding of ECMT in today’s world.

Essentials: Autism Spectrum Disorder

Opening the door to music therapy for young children with ASD, this Master Class dives into recent evident-based practices. Learn how to advocate and apply effective strategies and music therapy interventions. Develop a passion for the most served population in music therapy.  

Tune up Inclusion Practice

Supporting children of all abilities, this Master Class takes you out of the therapy room and into daily activities and routines. Learn how to plan, use, and monitor interventions to create access, participation and supports for children and their families. Be ready to sing, move, and play!

Behaviorism: Myths & Facts

Substituting myths with facts, this Master Class explores major principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. Learn how to intentionally facilitate reinforcement, promoting, task analysis, and generalization in music therapy sessions. Engage in musical experiments and demonstrations!  

Bridging the Generational Gap

Introducing a research-based program, this Master Class shares 12 engaging inter-generational music therapy sessions. Learn from audio and video examples and take away practical tips for your setting. This program is ready to take off! Accompanying iBook available.

Today's World: Digital Music Therapy

Innovating during COVID-19, this Master Class brings early childhood online music services to you. Learn how to use technology and interactive media and set-up successful tele-intervention. Be ready to meaningfully engage children and their families through the screen.   

More Than a Dot: Research Designs

Introducing basic research designs, this Master Class shows the connection between data and clinical practice. Learn how to write a research question, choose a design, collect, and analyze data. Get involved on any level, or simply become an informed consumer of research. 

Pitch Innovative Business Ideas

Developing innovative ideas, this Master Class leads you into entrepreneurial thinking. Learn  how to create a compelling business proposal, pitch your idea, and stand out! No matter if you propose a new idea to an organization or investor, make big moves.  

Passport to Global Music Therapy

Gaining new perspectives, this Master Class shares stories and data of music therapy worldwide. Learn about practices, trends, and barriers of the field. Discover commonalities and cultural differences and develop a curiosity for different life styles, values, and believes.     

We were lucky to have Dr. Petra Kern in our online lecture series twice. Her interactive and inspiring way of teaching has been a true highlight for all students.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Stegemann

Head of Department for Music Therapy, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria


Meet you during and after Early Childhood Music Therapy Telepractice sessions – Get support and feedback online

Book an experienced telesupervisor to meet your students’ clinical training hours during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the next normal, or your current distance learning program. Train more students and expand services to children and families in remote areas. Invest in cost- and time-effective clinical supervision and eliminate barriers to clinical placements and services.  

Inquire for individualized packages meeting your University program’s training requirements.

Standard Package and Pricing

Initial meeting with assigned student therapist, 10 observations of student’s early childhood telepractice sessions, 20 minute feedback following each session, review of each session plan and progress note, and tailored resources.

Price: $1099.

Technical Requirements and Materials

Student therapists and clients alike will need to have access to a computer or mobile device including a webcam and microphone, a HIPAA (or alike) compliant video conferencing platform with high audio quality, internet connection speed, and network capacities.

Student therapists should have musical instruments, props, and visuals available for their early childhood telepractice sessions. Clients should purchase or receive a basic package of instruments before the telepractice service.  

Considerations for Universities

Universities interested in telesupervision should consider their university’s policies as well as regulations set forth by the state and the accrediting organization, such as the American Music Therapy Association’s (AMTA) requirements for clincial supervision and accreditation. 

University program’s consent forms to participate in early childhood telepractice sessions must be signed by clients before the beginning of services.

A contract between the University program and Music Therapy Consulting must be sigend before telesupervision starts.

Dr. Kern helped me grow as a person and music therapist during my Telehealth practicum. She provided thoughtful and helpful feedback after each session and was an invaluable resource for session planning, information sharing, or helping me to develop my therapeutic, leadership, and musical skills. 

Kira Dolan

Student Therapist, Pacific University, USA